Child Vaccination Management App based on Django Python Application
Young children are at increased risk for infectious diseases because their immune systems have not yet built up the necessary defenses to fight serious infections and diseases. As a result, diseases like whooping cough or pneumococcal disease can be very serious and even deadly for infants and young children. Vaccinations start early in life to protect children before they are exposed to these diseases. The proposed system of e Vaccination system provide proper schedule of children vaccine time interval for the parents. Parents can search near by hosptial and make a schedule. Admin will manage the child and vaccination report and approval of appoinment. Hosptial will update the status of vaccination applied for child. The system implemented as Django framework app using Python MVC model. Child Vaccination Management App based on Django Python Application

Child Vaccination Management App based on Django Python Application
Software Requirements:
Front-End : HTML5, CSS3, and JS
Back-End : Python, MySQL 5.5
Tool : XAMPP 8.1 – 64 bit
Framework : Django 3.2.8
Parent modules:
- Register
- Login
- Add Child data
- View My child data
- My Reminder
- Book Appointment for vaccination
- View My Appointment Status
- My profile
Admin modules:
- Manage Users
- Approve the Hospital Login
- View all child data
- View all Appointment details
- Export/ Save the Appointment data
Hospital modules:
- Register
- Login
- View my patient appointment details
- Update Appointment Result Status