Online Course Material Management System
The application, “Online Course Material Management System Project,” is a web-based platform designed to enhance users’ study experience. It offers a range of beneficial and helpful features for both administrators and users. With two distinct panels, namely the Admin and User panel, this application ensures convenience and maximum benefits for all users. Online Course Material Management System
Software Requirements: –
Front End: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap
Back End: PHP, MYSQL
Control End: Angular Java Script
PHP Tools:
XAMPP 8.1 – 64 bit
Online Course Material Management System
Module Description
Admin Panel:
Dashboard: In this section, admin can view all the detail in brief like Total Courses, Total Classes, Total Subjects, and Total Registered Users.
Class: In this section, admin can manage the class(Add/Delete/Update).
Subject: In this section, admin can manage the subject(Add/Delete/Update).
Course: In this section, admin can manage the course(Add/Delete/Update).
Reg Users: In this section, admin can view the registered users’ details.
Reports: In this section, the admin can view the details of the course uploaded in a particular period according to class.
Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.
User Panel
User(User) can log in with a registered mobile number or email and password. Users can view and download any course according to their class course.
User can also update their profile, change their password and recover their password.