Organ And Blood Sharing-Donor Finder based on Django Python application
Our project is mainly focused to provide the services to the needy through a single Django python web application and make the donation process easy. In this donation the donor can easily reach the needy through the consent of the admin. In the other kinds of donations, Its main purpose is to provide a smart and easy way through Django web Application for collects the donations of the donors both organ or blood deliver them to the respective organizations and provide the information to the respective doctors of that organization to maintain transparency. To manage the donor registration and user maintenance. People who interested can register themselves through this system. In this proposed system we develop an Django application for organ and blood donate system is collecting the blood and organ donations and delivering them to the respective organizations and also provide the information to the doctors of that organization. For the better management of organ and blood donation to improve efficiency. Django admin is most powerful parts of Django is its automatic admin interface. It reads metadata in your models to provide a powerful and production-ready interface that content producers can immediately use to start managing content on your site. Django is a web application framework written in Python programming language. It is based on MVT (Model View Template) design pattern. Django is implemented in Python, which has excellent security track record. Organ And Blood Sharing-Donor Finder based on Django Python application
Software Requirements:
Front-End : HTML5, CSS3, and JS
Back-End : Python, MySQL 5.5
Tool : XAMPP 8.1 – 64 bit
Framework : Django 3.2.8
- Admin
- User
- Manage Users
- View all Organ donor details
- View all Blood donor details
- Register
- Login
- Create Blood donate
- My Blood donate details
- Create Organ donate
- My Organ donate details
- Search Organ donor details by city, organ type
- Search Blood donor details by city, blood group
- My Profile