College Campus Grievance based on Django Python
The purpose of Online Grievance System For Colleges and other educational institutes, for better automation in focus. Grievances System cell deals with all types of grievances, complaints and malpractices including those received from Students, Faculty and other Stakeholders. “ With the help of this module institute can provide it’s user with a benefit to share their inconvenience with the institute and providing solutions. Online Grievance Management for School and Colleges as per campus standards. This android app provides helping hand to students and staff by acknowledging and solving their problems. It maintains the healthy environment for stakeholders of the institute. Institutes need to exercise prudence in such important matters. We understand your institute’s need to be fair in complaints handling processes. Thus we provide this dynamic module to handle it all at one place. College Campus Grievance based on Django Python

College Campus Grievance based on Django Python
Software Requirements:
Front-End : HTML5, CSS3, and JS
Back-End : Python, MySQL 5.5
Tool : XAMPP 8.1 – 64 bit
Framework : Django 3.2.8
Existing Solution:
The biggest downfall to manual document filing is the amount of space it can take up. This is just one big headache you don’t need. It interrupts your productivity levels.
Prone to Damage and Being Misplaced
Manual document filing means you are placing faith in the people handling the files. There are so many ways they can be damaged, lost, or misplaced. A fire or natural disaster could mean the loss of all your clients’ important information. You will have to start over at square one getting the information back. It can also lead you to losing clients who don’t appreciate your mishandling of their information.
Hard to Make Changes
When you are working with paper documents it is much harder to make changes. Every time you want to make a change you will have to make a copy, so you don’t destroy the original with any edits or comments you might add. This means the editing process is more time consuming than if you were working with digital copies.
Access Time
Manual document filing is very time consuming. Not only do you have to organize and store the files, hunting down the information when it is need can take time. It can take anywhere from minutes to hours to hunt down a file, depending on how well your organization is. This can cause annoyance for clients as well as for employees. Their productivity is lowered by having to spend excessive time dealing with a paper filing system.
Lack of Security
Paper document filing can be less secure than electronic filing systems. Misplaced documents can easily be placed in the wrong hands. Clients expect their information to be secure in your hands. If you can’t keep this safe, you are at risk for losing them. A cabinet filled with files is way easier to access than a computer which requires a password and credentials to get into.
Higher Cost
When you use paper documents your costs are going to be higher because you are paying for ink and paper. Your office supply bill will be higher if you are using a manual document filing process. While you might think this is insignificant, overtime it’s a lot of money that can be used in better ways.
Proposed Solution:
- Protection of Freedom of Expression.
- Protection against improper academic evaluation
- Faculty and students should be ethical, moral and should behave in a manner with good academic interest and should maintain decent academic relations with teachers and co-students and co-operate with college authorities to maintain vibrant and decent academic environment.
- In the proposed system we tried to provide the high security than the existing system.
- We will provide friendlier environment than the existing one.
- Login
- Register staff login for all grievance department
- Verify & Approve Student login
- View All Grievance Report
Grievance Login
- Login
- View Grievances
- Update Status
- Register
- Login
- Create College Grievance
- Manage Category – Projector, Garbage, AC , Fan , Water, Bed, Light, Other
- Create Hostel Grievance
- Manage Category – Room Wise, Garbage, AC , Fan , Water, Bed, Light, Other
- Create Counseling Grievance
- Create Certificate Request
- Manage Category – Bonatifate, Other
Module Description
Admin Login
Login Module:-
In login module the admin can login to the application with the master login details
Create Staff:
Admin will register staff grievance login for corresponding departments
Manage all details
Admin will manage all grievance details
Register Login Module:-
In login module the user can register to the application with the details Login will be pending, till admin approve the account.
Create Grievance:
User can login to the system and create grievance in following category food, hostel, college and certificate.
View Status of Grievance:
User can login to the system and check status of grievance in following category food, hostel, college and certificate.
Login Module:-
In login module the staff can login to the application with the details Login will be provided by admin
Update Status Grievance:
Staff can login to the system and Update status of his/her department grievance in any of the category food, hostel, college and certificate