E-Voting App for Election Using Email OTP Verification based on Django Python Application
As we know in urban areas now a day the voting system is getting most complicated only because of the person’s identity. They only have the voting card as a proof of identification. So there are lots of chances of fake voting. To avoid this, our proposed system develop an Django python application for E-voting system will get otp for login using voters ID and match verify stored database. After that OTP (One- Time Password) is generated and send to the voters registered E-mail id. Then the voter is validated and he is allowed to do the voting. This is very fast and helpful technique to do the verification of the voters. This will also reduce voter’s time to stand in queue for doing vote. . To transform the existing manual Voting system into an automate system. For the better management of Voting for Election to improve efficiency. Django admin is most powerful parts of Django is its automatic admin interface. It reads metadata in your models to provide a powerful and production-ready interface that content producers can immediately use to start managing content on your site. Django is a web application framework written in Python programming language. It is based on MVT (Model View Template) design pattern. Django is implemented in Python, which has excellent security track record. E-Voting App for Election Using Email OTP Verification based on Django Python Application

E-Voting App for Election Using Email OTP Verification based on Django Python Application
Software Requirements:
Front-End : HTML5, CSS3, and JS
Back-End : Python, MySQL 5.5
Tool : XAMPP 8.1 – 64 bit
Framework : Django 3.2.8
- Manage Users
- Create Election Candidate
- Allocate election Data and emblem image Upload with Candidate
- Allocate candidate to election wards
- Import Voter List
- View & update Voter List
Election Commitee
- Login
- View All Candidate Election Results
- Allocate the next poll for voting
- Register using Voter ID
- OTP After Register Verification
- Login using Voter ID
- OTP Login Verification
- Get OTP for Voting
- Select Candidate
- Submit Vote