Hotel Booking Management System PHP
Software Requirements: –
Front End: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap
Back End: PHP, MYSQL
Control End: Angular Java Script
PHP Tools:
XAMPP 8.1 – 64 bit
Hotel Booking Management System PHP
Module Description
Admin Module
1. Home: In this section, admin can briefly view the total new booking, approved booking, Cancelled Booking, Total Registered users, total read enquires and total unread enquires. Hotel Booking Management System PHP
2. Room Category: In this section, admin can manage the category (add/delete).
3. New Room: In this section, admin can manage rooms(add/update).
4. Page: In this section, admin can manage about us and contact us pages.
5. Booking: In this section, admin can view new, approved, and cancelled bookings and also give a remark.
6. Reg Users: In this section, admin can view the detail of registered users.
7. Enquiry: In this section, admin can view and maintain the enquiry.
8. Search: In this section, admin can search enquiry and booking details with the help of his/her mobile number and booking number respectively.
9. Reports: In this section admin can view the enquiry details and check booking details in a particular period.
Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.
User Module
1. Home: It is a welcome page for users.
2. About: It is a about us page of the website.
3. Services: In this section, users can view services provided by the organization.
4. Room: In this section, user can view details of the room which is available in the hotel.
5. Gallery: In this section, user can view the gallery of the hotel.
6. Book Room: In this section, user can book a hotel room by registering himself with hotels.
7. Contact: It is a contact us page where users can send queries to the hotel.
8. Sign Up: Users can register through sign up page.
9. Login: It is login page.
10. My Account: After registration, user can have their own account where he/she can update their profile, change passwords, recover passwords, and view the booking details of the hotel room.