On Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance (ORVBA) based on Django Python application
On Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance (ORVBA) is going to be a good solution for the people who seek help in the remote locations with mechanical issues of their vehicle. Its main purpose is to provide a smart and easy way through Django python web Application for On Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance Users of this Django App will be the registered public and they will be getting connected with the particular mechanic through the trustworthy On Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance (ORVBA) system. In this proposed system we develop an Django App for only the legally licensed and approved mechanics are enlisted in the On Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance (ORVBA) system. Also they are under monitoring by the ORVBA system for not charging any extra service fee from the users as every user is updating their feedback about the availed service through ORVBA system. For the better management of on road vehicle breakdown service to improve efficiency. Django admin is most powerful parts of Django is its automatic admin interface. It reads metadata in your models to provide a powerful and production-ready interface that content producers can immediately use to start managing content on your site. Django is a web application framework written in Python programming language. It is based on MVT (Model View Template) design pattern. Django is implemented in Python, which has excellent security track record. On Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance (ORVBA) based on Django Python application

On Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance (ORVBA) based on Django Python application
Software Requirements:
Front-End : HTML5, CSS3, and JS
Back-End : Python, MySQL 5.5
Tool : XAMPP 8.1 – 64 bit
Framework : Django 3.2.8
User modules:
- Register
- Login
- View all mechanic details
- Search mechanic by city and get contact
- View mechanic Geo location
- Post feedback
- My profile
Admin modules:
- Manage Users
- View all feedback
- View all Business
Mechanic modules:
- Register
- Login
- Create Business
- Manage Business
- Upload Geo Location
- View user’s feedback
- My profile