Student Feedback System using with Csharp
The Online Student Feedback Systemis used to manage feedback provided by students. Online Student Feedback Systemallows students to select particular subject and respective teacher to give feedback about teacher and subject.
AOnline Student Feedback Systemis an feedback generation system which gives proper feedback to teacher provides the proper feedback to the teachers about their teaching quality on basis of rating very poor, poor, average, good, very good. In the existing system students requires giving feedback manually. In existing system report generation by analyzing all feedback form is very time consuming. By Online Student Feedback System report generation is consumes very less time. In Online Student Feedback System student gives feedback for teacher of particular subject for particular period of time may be at month end. Student Feedback System Feedback is send to HOD (Head of the Department)of particular department as well as all departments’ feedback to principal. HOD has rights to whether feedback shows to respected teacher or not. After analyzing report HOD or principle conducts the meetings for staff by send mail tothem.
Student Feedback System
Existing System
In Existing System the feedback is done by the manual process. In the Existing System students can give the feedback about the lecturers by using paper and pen. After giving feedback by every student papers are collected by HOD (Head of the Department) and calculates the overall grade for each subject and each lecturer.
After that those all grade report is viewed by the principal which is given by HOD’s.Hence estimating the performance of lecturers and giving counseling can be done by the principal.
- The cloud server intentionally omits some query results.
- The in-direct need for secure communication, storage, and complexity clearly cause the unreasonable
- Less Security
- Incorrect Query Result
Proposed System
This Feedback System consist of four kinds of users Student, Staff, HOD’s of all department and principal .But this feedback are only given by Students other three users only view the feedbacks.This feedback which are issued by the student are first given to HOD’s and principal and HOD’s will decides whether feedback are visible to staff for that subject or not. System will generates the report based on rating in terms of very poor, poor, average, good, very good. Based on report HOD’s or principal conducts meeting by simply sending mail to teachers.
- The economic factors were also worked out keeping the target segments into focus. The objective of developing a tool for technical as well as non-technical user hence got achieved.
- Data user to definitely obtain the file identifier of each data file that satisfies the query yet is omitted by the cloud server, by reasonably designing the identifiers of data files and secretly preserving them in the corresponding verification object.
- To maximize reduce storage and communication cost and achieve privacy guarantee of the verification objects
- Verification object construction and query results verification
- Verification object signature and authentication
- Verification information request generation
- Verification accuracy
System : Intel3core
HardDisk : 8GB
Monitor : 14’ColorMonitor
Mouse : Optical Mouse
Operating system : Windows7/8/10
Coding Language : ASP.Net with C# (Service Pack 1)
Data Base : SQL Server 2014
Tools : Visual studio 2013
- Admin
- Student
- Staff
1) Admin
- Home
- Student Entry
- Staff Entry
- Logout
2) Student
- Home
- Student profile
- Feed back
- Logout
3) Staff
- Home
- Staff Profile
- Logout