Complaint System using with Csharp
The main objective of this project is to develop a web based complaint system special developed for service centers (mobile, laptop, electronics and others). In this service the user can register their complaints about their products which is need to be repaired at the user place. In this system we can complaint about the product all kind of service provider; this system will transfer the user complaint directly to the service person. This application is basically a web portal designed to get interaction between different clients and service center .web based complaints system is an online platform for service seekers and service providers. An Effective and Efficient response to these E-complaints is an essential index of organization’s performance. Web Based Complaint Management System Those services are applied for different people based on their needs. Therefore, a need for a web based complaint system that could detect Citizen’s problems by registering on web portal and provide them service from service center.Web based complaint system will be able to handle complaints by registering online and use the services provided by this portal.
Web Based Complaint Management System
Existing System
This project mainly deals with automating the task of the E- care system that helps many end-users to know the solutions for their request within no time. Helpdesk technology can be done manually but there may be problems that have to be faced so to overcome such problems we need to automate the Help Desk System.
If the system is maintaining the list of all the details of corporate users and corporate clients manually it will take a lot of time to retrieve even single information such as retrieving or deleting single information becomes very difficult task.
- First of all the main problem with the current system is that it is quite time consuming sometimes.
- It has long procedures to obtain the information.
- It does not provide all information regarding any query at a time.
- It has time limitation; individual has to apply within the working hours of an organization/campus.
- Another problem with the current system is that suppose an individual wants the detail or any information about more than two departments, then he has to approach all the departments personally.
- In addition, current system does not have good security features regarding the organization/campus.
Proposed System
Proposed system are those that are automated, so that it is easy to retrieve the responses from the system fastly and updating the details once the response or services are provided to the end-users upon their request without any difficulty and saves time.
- At present the current system works manually. It provides the information in written or orally within the organization/campus.
- Individual has to spare his time and energy in order to obtain even the basic information regarding the organization/campus.
- Apart from this there can be a long and tedious procedure in order to have a solution regarding any particular query.
- In addition to all this an individual has to move from one place to another to get any information.
System : Intel3core
HardDisk : 8GB
Monitor : 14’ColorMonitor
Mouse : Optical Mouse
Operating system : Windows7/8/10
Coding Language : ASP.Net with C# (Service Pack 1)
Data Base : SQL Server 2014
Tools : Visual studio 2013
Functionality Performed by Admin and User:
These are the functionality performed by Admin and User
- Admin
- User
1) Admin Module
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2) User Module
- About Us
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