E-Panchayat using asp.net with Csharp
E-Panchayat is the project develop rural areas have to go to panchayat office in their location to apply and get their certificates provided in that office. It requires a lot of time and may result in work delay. The data in the office has to be maintained manually. There is no security for the data and faults can be encountered during entering the data mainly which require higher calculations. People also face so many problems in their area. They complain to their respective ward members but they may or may not respond quickly. There are many other problems in the present day panchayat raj system. So, the E-panchayat provides solutions to all the problems in the current system. E-Panchayat provides online service to the people living in that area. All the services which are done manually are made online in the project. The people can about their panchayat, activities notifications and all other information related their villages. All the applications and certificates are applied and verified online. The users on the people in the village can complain about their problem through online. Suggestions are also accepted from the people for the development of their village. The user can request any application, suggestion, and complaint at anywhere and at anytime. The grampanchayat provide birth certificate, death certificate, domicile certificate, receipts for house tax, water tax etc… They give order for construction of road, buildings, renewal of building. They keep records of their monthly & yearly budget.
Existing System
The present system is totally based on the manual data management. It includes maintaining register for records. It includes maintaining register for records. Hands written certificate for birth, death, domicile etc are providing to the residents. Receipt book are used to acknowledge received amount. The people may or not be available at the time of requirements.
- It is very time consuming process.
- The person has to wait for long time for officers. If any officers is not available in the town the process delay
Proposed System
The proposed system is E-Panchayat. Here everything is done online. The activities like applying certificates, giving suggestion and complaints can be done through online. No waiting is required. Even if the officer is not available in the village, he can verify applications online. It is very quick process than the existing system.
- It takes very less time for completion of process.
- The applications and requests can be verified by the officers wherever they are and can take necessary actions.
- It is very easy for giving complaints and suggestions
System : Intel3core
HardDisk : 8GB
Monitor : 14’ColorMonitor
Mouse : Optical Mouse
Operating system : Windows7/8/10
Coding Language : ASP.Net with C# (Service Pack 1)
Data Base : SQL Server 2014
Tools : Visual studio 2013
- Login
- Add schemes and Job Related Application
- Register
- Login
- Business License
- Water Tax
- Ration card
- Apply farmer scheme
- Apply Laptop Scheme
- Apply accident Scheme
- Apply Gas Scheme