Back to Village using with Csharp
Back to my village is a .Net project which is a charity group of professionals for those users who want to voluntarily contribute for the development of their village/town. In this project issues like primary education, people’s health, government policies awareness and availability of basic facilities/infrastructure are on main focus among others. This .Net project is a web based project. Main aim of this Final Year project is to develop voluntarily help to village/town. Depending on website a group wants to help their members collaborate, to plan and implement different activities and learn with others experience/feedbacks/ suggestions. Group also wants to encourage others to join their initiatives and recognize their contributions. This .Net Web application is fully integrated with customer relationship management (CRM) solution and developed in a manner that is easily manageable, time saving and relieving one form semi automated. Back to Village In this project users will register to the website. They will upload all the information necessary regarding the application. Users of this application will gather all the requirement os the village or town to be developed in this site. This information will be viewed by everyone who is registered with this website. They can give their views about the development.
Back to Village
Existing System
The existing system is a semi-automated at where the information is stored in the form of excels sheets in disk drives. The information sharing to the Volunteers, Group members, etc. is through mailing feature only. The information storage and maintenance is more critical in this system. Tracking the member’s activities and progress of the work is a tedious job here. This system cannot provide the information sharing.
Proposed System
The new system would like to make as web-enabled so that the information can be shared between the members at any time using the respective credentials. To track the status of an individual process, the status update can be centralized using the new system. Being a web-enabled system, the process can be accessed across the world over net.
This system also providing the features like Chatting, Mailing between the members; Images Upload – Download via the web site; updating the process status in centralized location; generated reports can also be exporting to the applications like MS-Excel, PDF format, etc. In this new system, the members like Donors can give their valuable feedback to the Volunteers so that the Volunteers can check their progress of the tasks. The entire process categorized as different modules like Admin module, Volunteer module, etc. at where we can classify the functionality as an individual process. Using the new system entering into Admin module we can perform. In this new system using the Volunteer module we can do. In the Reports module we can generate reports like Weekly Status Report.
System : Intel3core
HardDisk : 8GB
Monitor : 14’ColorMonitor
Mouse : Optical Mouse
Operating system : Windows7/8/10
Coding Language : ASP.Net with C# (Service Pack 1)
Data Base : SQL Server 2014
Tools : Visual studio 2013
Functionality Performed by Admin and User:
These are the functionality performed by Admin and User
The modules involved are:
- Web Administration
- Group Member
- Anonymous Users
- Member Communications
- Registration
- Reports
- Authentication
The following activities are performed by admin
Manage Volunteers
- Add Volunteers
- Assign village to volunteers
Admin Activities
- Payment types
- Change Password
- Activity Budgets
- Compose Mails
- Inbox Mails
- Outbox Mails
- Group Chat
- Donor Details
- Donor Donation Details
- Volunteer Activities
- Volunteer Activity Status
The Following activities are performed by Volunteers
My account
- Change password
Manage Activity
- Activity Monitoring
- Upload Files
- Activity Status
- Answer to Question
- News Letter
- Compose Mails
- Inbox Mails
- Outbox Mails
- Group Chat
The following activities are performed by Donor
My Account
- Change Password
- Activity completion Info
- Donate Amount
- My Donation
- Post a query
- Answer to question
- Compose Mails
- Inbox Mails
- Outbox Mails
- Group Chat