Student Database Management System using with Csharp
The Title of the project is Student Database Management to computerize the School. The Front end used is ASP.NET with Visual Basic.NET. The Back End used is SQL Server. In this project there are several modules such as Data Entry module, Data Records module. These modules are further divided in to sub modules. That is Class Setup, Student Setup, Teacher Setup, Fees Setup, Student Attendance, Employee Attendance, Subject Setup, Add Expense, Expense Detail, Examination Setup and Exam Details are in Data Entry module. Student Details, Teacher Records, Student Attendance, Employee Attendance, Fees Records are in the Data Records module. These modules give way in managing the organization efficiently. So, this project Student Database Management System helps in efficient management of human resource inside the organization. Also, it consumes less time consumption. The main and important benefit of this proposed system is that it is very much user friendly and accurate. So the employees and the administrators feel so much comfortable to work with it. Also in all the modules the regularly updated information are very much useful when they are extracted.
Student Database Management System
Existing System
Student Database management (for example, Canvas, Blackboard, etc.) are web‐based software systems that support teaching and learning in face‐to‐face as well as online environments. Faculty members directly manage their course content in course management systems. These guidelines relate only to copyright issues.
Materials posted must be in the legal possession of the Library, faculty member, or the institution; or legally obtained, and must be used solely for nonprofit, educational purposes.
It is preferable to link to materials already legally available rather than photocopying or scanning and posting a digital copy.
All scans or reproductions posted should represent a small portion of the whole copyrighted work. Library staff (see below) can offer guidance about the appropriate proportion to use.
Complete works (such as a whole book, whole album of music, or whole journal issue) should not be posted without permission
Proposed System
Faculty registration will be done. On registration, username and password will be generated and will also be sent through SMS. Subjects will be allotted to faculties. Also, classes will be allotted to the faculties.After all the detailing, it starts attendance marking. For the Sundays and defined holidays, relevant message will be displayed. Mark the attendance by click of mouse for each student. Go on clicking till user gets the desired status. Leave application facility is also provided. It is provided for both type of users i.e. faculty as well as student. Reflection can be seen while taking the attendance for that particular date i.e. student will be marked as ‘L’ on the particular date. Along with this, homework creation facility is also provided and its details will be sent on respective email accounts. The reports that can be generated are – student wise attendance, day wise attendance, class wise attendance, month wise class attendance etc…
- User Friendly: User interface is very easy. Data storing and recovery is fast and secured. In addition, application is provided with graphical representation for easier interpretation and analysis.
- Reports are easily generated: Various reports such as Student wise attendance, Day wise attendance, Class wise attendance, Month Wise Class Attendance etc can be easily generated. Current and back-dated reports can be available instantly.
- No paperwork and no risk of errors which can be occurred while marking the attendance manually.
System : Intel3core
HardDisk : 8GB
Monitor : 14’ColorMonitor
Mouse : Optical Mouse
Operating system : Windows7/8/10
Coding Language : ASP.Net with C# (Service Pack 1)
Data Base : SQL Server 2014
Tools : Visual studio 2013
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