Online Exam using with Csharp
Online exam can be rapidly increased in the world. Difficulty to attend the exam in the particular time and place can be overcome by the online exam. In this online exam student can misuses this facility by cheating the exam in various way like, getting the answer from local hard disk, chatting with the friends and searching the answer in the internet. This way candidate may cheat the examiner in the online exam. So this system can propose the technique for restrict the students to cheat the online exam. To remove the requirement for human intervention in secure online exam management so as to capitalize on the advantages of online processes, this system proposes a solution to the issue of security and cheating for online exams. This system can use the security control system technique. This method can monitor the examinees during the exam. Online Examination In this system we are using the cryptography method. This can maintain the online exam question and answer in the much secured way.
Online Examination
Existing System
The whole process of assigning test and evaluating their scores after the test, was done manually till date. Processing the test paper i.e. checking and distributing respective scores used to take time when the software was not installed.
The current system is very time consuming. It is very difficult to analyse the exam manually. To take exam of more candidates more invigilators are required but no need of invigilator in case of on line exam. Results are not precise as calculation and evaluations are done manually. The chances of paper leakage are more in current system as compared to proposed system. Result processing takes more time as it is done manually.
Proposed System
The online test created for taking online test has following features In comparison to the present system the proposed system will be less time consuming and is more efficient. Analysis will be very easy in proposed system as it is automated Result will be very precise and accurate and will be declared in very short span of time because calculation and evaluations are done by itself.
The proposed system is very secure as no chances of leakage of question paper as it is dependent on the administrator only. The logs of appeared candidates and their marks are stored and can be backup for future use
- Secure
- Easy to use
- Reliable and accurate
- No need of examiner
System : Intel3core
HardDisk : 8GB
Monitor : 14’ColorMonitor
Mouse : Optical Mouse
Operating system : Windows7/8/10
Coding Language : ASP.Net with C# (Service Pack 1)
Data Base : SQL Server 2014
Tools : Visual studio 2013
The following activities are performed by admin,
- Login
- Monitor Exam
- Schedule the Exam
- Display the Result
The following activities are performed by staff,
- Register
- Login
- Schedule the new exam
- Upload the questions and Answers
- New user registration
- Upload the new exam
The following activities are performed by candidate,
- Exam registration
- Online Exam
- View Result