Bridge Between Investor And Business People
Investment in India is a concept based on business purpose. In my project I will be providing platform to the investors and also connecting the people with good business concepts. This in turn will evolve how much to invest and where to invest the money with good returns on investment.
Here providing two forms – one for investors and another one for business people with contact details. There are situation when the people have excess funds they will try to park this amount in Banks or Gold. Here, I am exploring the possibility of investing these excess funds directly to the business connecting the investor and the business persons. Bridge Between Investor And Business People
I am developing the application which will connect the investor and the business people and vice-versa. I will be charging for usage of my application from both the ends.
The need for developing this project was to bridge the huge communicational gap between the business people and investors and also with no time to contact each other on the common platform.
To overcome these disadvantages, I am developing this platform, like private based marketing network for creating a venture based organization. I will get the investors at one place and they can share their investment plans with each other and contact to the business people.
Software Requirements: –
Front End: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap
Back End: PHP, MYSQL
Control End: Angular Java Script
Android Tools:
IDE: Android Studio
Android Emulator
XAMPP 8.1 – 64 bit
PHP Tools:
XAMPP 8.1 – 64 bit
In the existing system only business ideas is available on a separate application. Ideas will be provided on any Business irrespective of whichever business it may be. And there is no proper communication between the investor and Business people. And we cannot find all the features designed in a single application. To overcome all this new system has been proposed with advanced features which results in better usage of the application.
To overcome the drawbacks of existing system new system is being proposed.
System Modules:
- Register and login
- View Business Categories
Business People
- Register and login
- Post Idea
- Register and login
- View Business Proposal
- Post Investor Proposal
- Register and login
- Post loan details
Business Advisor
- Register and login
- Post Information
- View Query
- Post Solution
Module Description:
Register Login Module:-
In login module the user, business people, banker, Investors and advisor can login to the application with the adhaar card and pan card.
Login will be pending, till admin approve the account.
- View Business Details:
User can login to the system and view all business details and innovative ideas and categories to this system.
- Post Idea:
This people can post their business idea like Business Name, Category, Company Registration No, and Project life time, Description, Experience, Skill set and so on. Once the ideas is selected by any of the investors, they can make the ideas status to private, so that no one will see the ideas.
- View Ideas:
Here investor first studies about business people’s idea or proposal. From that investor can select the best ideas and hire them.
- Post Proposal:
After completing business people’s proposal investor going to post their requirement or demands like investment type, amount, category and expected revenue, skill set and so on.
- Post Loan Details:
Here all banks are post their banks loan and assets details. What are their offers provide to business people.
- Post Information:
Advisor will receive many queries regarding business from difference user. Advisor will answer those queries. Here advisor going to post their advice about business.
- View Query:
Here user posts their queries to advisor.
- Post Solution:
After receiving user queries advisor can post their solutions or tips to user.